Bromley Council & Other Statutory If you need to contact a Council officer for help or advice please call the following number:
Switchboard - 020 8464 3333 Out of Hours contact - 030 0303 8672 Landscape Helpdesk - 030 0303 8658 Bromley Parks Website idverde Contact List idverde Bromley Police (emergency) - 999 Police (non-emergency) - 101 Wildlife Crime Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7230 8898 Safer Neighbourhood Panel Safer Neighbourhood teams are dedicated to your community and are additional to other policing teams and units in London. If you have concerns about day-to-day crime and disorder issues, or if you would like to get involved, please contact your local team. National Trust The National Trust was founded in 1895 with the aim of saving our nation's heritage and open spaces. English Heritage English Heritage champions are historic places and advices the government and others to help today's generation get the best out of our heritage and ensure that it is protected for future generations. Natural England Natural England is the government's adviser on the natural environment. It provides practical advice, grounded in science, on how best to safeguard England's natural wealth for the benefit of everyone. London Green Spaces - Friends Group Network The network for the 500+ local Friends Groups and borough-wide Friends Forums for public green spaces across London. It shares information, good practices and works to ensure parks and green spaces are adequately resourced. The Parks Alliance (TPA) The Parks Alliance is the voice of UK parks, representing the people and organisations that create, maintain, invest in and use the public green spaces that we are proud to have at the heart of British life. GoParksLondon GoParksLondon aims to encourage you to discover and enjoy London’s parks and find out more about the Park Friends Groups involved with them. Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL) The capital's environmental record centre. London Parks & Gardens Trust London Parks & Gardens Trust aims to increase knowledge and appreciation of parks, squares, community gardens, cemeteries, churchyards - all those places that form London's open space network. Parks and Gardens UK Parks & Gardens UK is the leading on-line resource for historic parks and gardens providing freely accessible, accurate and inspiring information on UK parks, gardens and designed landscapes and all activities concerned with their promotion, conservation and management. Non Native Species Secretariat First published in 2008 and updated in 2015 the GB Invasive Non-native Species strategy was developed to meet the challenge posed by invasive non-native species in Great Britain. |
Conservational OrganisationsBromley Environmental Education Centre at High Elms (BEECHE)
BEECHE is a community facility that delivers environmental education to schools and provides visitors with information on how to live a sustainable lifestyle. BEECHE is situated within the beautiful High Elms Country Park; a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) located within the proposed Darwin at Downe World Heritage Site and aims to build on the work of Charles Darwin and Sir John Lubbock, encouraging 'greener thinking for greener living'. The building is a single storey timber frame with a 'green' sedum roof, straw bale walls and sun pipes. Parks Community UK Parks Community UK supports Friends' Groups across the country to feel better equipped and more confident in their active involvement with their local park. The UK's green spaces need active Friends' Groups! This is a new space created by and for such groups to share experiences, info and ideas to become more confident and effective. RSPCA The Royal Society for the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals is a charity that will, by all lawful means, prevent cruelty, promote kindness to and alleviate suffering of all animals. Tel: 0800 1234 999 RSPB Bromley The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds speaks out for birds and wildlife, tackling the problems that threaten our environment. The RSPB relies upon memberships and donations to fund their work. London Wildcare The London Wildcare Trust provides a professional wildlife care and treatment centre, helping thousands of sick, injured and orphaned wild animals found in the capital's streets, parks and gardens every year. They also play a key role in providing education to thousands of adults and children through the work of their three unique centres. Woodland Trust The Woodland Trust is the UK's leading woodland conservation charity. Freshwater Habitats Trust The Freshwater Habitats Trusts aims to ensure all threatened freshwater plants and animals have recovered and developed sustainable populations. Forestry Commission We are the government department responsible for the protection and expansion of forests and woodlands in England and Scotland. Natural Resources Wales is responsible for forests in Wales. Love Parks Love Parks is the year round celebration of parks and green spaces. It has been set up to support and recognise all the hard work friends’ groups do up and down the county to maintain and protect them. Keep Britain Tidy Our vision is a world where people understand and actively care for their environment. |
Environmental OrganisationsThe Environmental Agency
They are responsible for protecting and improving the environment of England and Wales. They also have responsibility for protecting communities from the risk of flooding and managing water resources. DEFRA The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is responsible for safeguarding our natural environment, supporting our world-leading food and farming industry, and sustaining a thriving rural economy. This means it plays a major role in people's day-to-day life, from the food we eat, and the air we breathe, to the water we drink. Tel: 0800 321 600 The Soil Association The Soil Association has grown from a small but influential voice challenging the orthodoxy of chemical-based intensive agriculture, to an international authority on the principles and practices of organic farming. Garden Organic The national charity for organic growing. Contains hints and tips, as well as a list of upcoming courses and events. Naturewise An organisation whose work focuses on raising environmental awareness and enabling people to move towards living more sustainably. They do this primarily through running permaculture courses, creating and promoting forest gardening, and giving advice and consultations. London Food Link London Food Link runs a network of organisations and individuals with members as diverse as farmers, food writers, caterers and community food projects. Permaculture Association The official website for the UK Permaculture Association. Find out more about Permaculture and how you can get involved. The Wildlife Trusts The Wildlife Trusts are the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated to protecting wildlife and wild places everywhere. OPAL The Open Air Laboratories network is an exciting initiative that is open to anyone with an interest in nature. We aim to create and inspire a new generation of nature-lovers by getting people to explore, study, enjoy and protect their local environment. |